NL096 ChinesJumpRop

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Chinese jump ropes have been a popular game dating back to the 5th century. A wonderful activity that gets kids away from screens and promotes coordination balance, memory, as well as strength, and endurance. Requires a minimum of 3 people ( or if you are any only child and very creative, a couple of chairs to hold the rope can help you practice the moves.) Inexpensive gift makes a great stocking stuffer.

Chinese Jump Rope Directions

1 What you need. A loop made of stretchy material, 1 minimum of 3 players (or if you are any only child and very creative, a couple of chairs to hold the rope can help you practice the moves.)
2 Prepare the playing field. In a large room, or flat grassy area, lay the rope on the ground, stretched out so that it looks like a long, skinny rectangle. Two people, who will be the holders, should step into the ends of the rope so that they are facing each other. They should stand with their feet about shoulder-width apart and then back up a bit until the rope is taut. There should be enough space for the other players to safely jump inside the rope between the first two players, and outside the rope on either side.
3 Make sure everyone knows the jumping moves.
Chinese jump rope patterns are made up of basic moves in a combination that matches a rhythmic chant. The basic moves include:

In: The jumper’s feet both land inside the rope.
Out: The jumper’s feet both land outside of the rope on either side.
Right: The jumper’s right foot lands inside the rope, and the left foot lands outside the rope. (Older more advanced players may land one footed)
In Right: Both feet land inside with the right foot forward and the left foot behind (Usually used for advanced)
Out Right: Both feet land outside on the right side
Left: The jumper’s left foot lands inside the rope, and the right foot lands outside the rope. (Older more advanced players can land one footed)
Out Left: Both feet land outside on the left side.
In Left: Both feet land insdie with the left foot forward and the right foot behind (Advanced play)
Spin: The jumper spins in mid-air to face the opposite direction.
Straddle: The jumper’s feet land outside on opposite sides of the rope.
On: The jumper’s feet land on the rope. (NOTE: Be aware that this move should only be done with the rope at ankle level. The holders will need to brace against it, as the weight of the jumper will pull them into toward the jumper. We recommend this only for very advanced and experienced players)

4 Make sure everyone knows the chants. The first jumper takes their place standing in the rope rectangle. The jumper begins the chant, and all the players join in, while the jumper performs the required movements to match the verse. If the first jumper completes the pattern without making a mistake, they advance to the next level, and the next jumper takes their turn, switching out the holders until all players have competed.
5 Make the game more challenging.
If jumpers have advanced to the next level, they continue to jump until they mis-jump the pattern, or touch the rope. The next round can change to a harder chant with more challenging skills, can be recited at a faster tempo to make the jumper move more quickly, or the rope can be raised in increments per level, from ankle to back of calf, to back of knees, to mid thigh, to waist. Each level must be completed to move on to the next. The last jumper participating is considered the winner.
6 See who can jump the highest! If you’d like, pay attention to how high each jumper successfully completes the pattern. For each round, award 3 points to the highest jumper, 2 points to the next highest jumper, and 1 point to the 3rd place jumper. Tally up the points at the end to see who won!
7 See who can jump most accurately! You can make Chinese jump rope harder by having the holders place their feet close together, or even take one foot out of the rope so that the inner rope area is not as wide. This will make it harder for the jumper to get both feet into the rope without touching. (This is NOT a game for folks with big feet!)

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